What great inventions is Canada home of?
Canadian history of invention follows a long and gracious path. The credit goes to the Canadians for
patenting greater than one million inventions. However very few people in this world are fully aware of the immense contributions made by the Canadians in discovering so many practical items to be used in our day – to – day living. Some of these are:
Able Walker: Norm Rolston patented the walker in 1986.
Air-conditioned Railway Coach: Henry Ruttan invented it in 1858.
Abdominizer: Dennis Colonello invented this popular exercise instrument in 1984.
Acetylene: This was invented by Thomas L. Wilson in 1904. He also invented Acetylene Buoy in 1904.
Anti-Gravity Suit: This was invented in 1941 by Wilbur Rounding Franks for use by the jet pilots.
Automatic Foghorn: Robert Foulis invented the first steam foghorn in 1859.
5 Pin Bowling: This true Canadian sport had been invented by T.E.Ryan of
Toronto in the year 1909.
Basketball: James Naismith invented basket ball in 1891.
Creed Telegraph System: This was invented by Fredrick Creed in 1900.
Compound Steam Engine: Benjamin Franklin Tibbetts

invented this in 1842.
Electric Cooking range and Electric Car Heater: These were invented by Thomas Ahearn in 1882 and 1890 respectively.
Electric Light Bulb: Electric light bulb was originally invented by Henry Woodward in 1874. The patent was later sold to Thomas Edison.
Electron Microscope: The Canadians namely Cecil Hall, Eli Franklin Burton, James Hillier, and Albert Prebus were the co – inventors of the electron microscope in 1937.
Quartz Clock: The earliest quartz clock was developed by Warren Marrison.
Standard Time: Sir Sanford Fleming invented it in 1878.
Television Camera: This was invented by F.C.P. Henroteau in the year 1934.
Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in 1876.
Wireless radio: Wireless radio inventor was Reginald A. Fessenden in 1900.
Walkie - Talkie: Donald L. Hings invented this apparatus in 1942.
Wirephoto: Wirephoto was originally invented by Edward Samuels Rogers in 1925.
Zipper: Gideon Sundback invented zipper in 1913.
Ultraviolet degradable plastics: Dr. James Guillet was the inventor of this variety of plastics in 1971.